Saturday, February 2, 2008

*Breaks Glass of Wine Over New Blog*

"Well now, what have we here? A new blog? Again?! Mica, are you going to forget about this one too? Like the last time you had a blog... or a webcomic... or a website... or a journal.. or a diary... or even an organizer-"

"Okay, stop it! Slander! Slander I tell you!"

"It's not slander, it's true!"

"I kept up some of them! The webcomic lasted a whole year... one of the webcomics... with hiatuses... um... yeah."

"See? You'll never stick with this."

"Well, maybe I'll keep it longer than the LiveJournal one. Or the Wordpress one. Or that time I used Freewebs. Eheh. I'll just stop talking now."

"Yes, you're only proving me right. Hush now, I'll explain to the (complete absence of) readers..."

Okay...*clears throat*Hello dearies. This is Mica's new blog "Yes, it's mine! I'm just letting the voices in my head write in it for a while!" *ahem* (shut up Mica!) ...anyways, as I was saying, welcome to her new blog- er, our new blog. Now, regarding the title of this post, I suppose this is a christening. And you're probably also wondering why it has such a long ridiculous name. Don't ask me. Ask her. Who is technically me. But we're not schizo. No, perfectly sane here. *hides psycological evaluation* Eheh. Well, all great artists and writers were crazy, right? Goes with the territory, so to speak.

Yes, probably most of it will make very little sense. Like this. Cheers, mate!

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